
Serveliza can be used in different ways.

Command line usage

If you run from the command line you can access help on its use.

$ serveliza -h

usage: serveliza [-h] [-v] {roll} ...

Serveliza is an application to extract data of the Chilean Electoral Service
(SERVEL) from different sources.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit

  Serveliza has different utilities to extract data which are accessed
  through its subcommand. For more information check the help of each one.

  {roll}         description:
    roll         The roll command allows the extraction of electoral roll data
                 from pdf files to csv files.

Made with ♥ by @chivke.

As well as each of the available subcommands.

$ serveliza roll -h
usage: serveliza roll [-h] [-o output] [-p {pdftotext,pdfminersix}]
                      [-m {unified,separated}] [-s {commune,region}] [-r]
                      [--no-suffix] [--no-summary] [--silent] [--no-colors]
                      [source [source ...]]

Serveliza is an application to extract data of the Chilean Electoral Service
(SERVEL) from different sources. The roll command allows the extraction of
electoral roll data from pdf files to csv files.

positional arguments:
  source                Directory(ies) or file(s) to search for valid
                        electoral rolls.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o output, --output output
                        Directory to store the data in .csv.
  -p {pdftotext,pdfminersix}, --processor {pdftotext,pdfminersix}
                        Processor (library) to extract text from pdf file.
  -m {unified,separated}, --mode {unified,separated}
                        'Determines the data export mode in files. If it is
                        "unified" (default) it creates a single csv file with
                        the data, or if it is "separated" into several
                        according to communal or regional criteria.'
  -s {commune,region}, --separator {commune,region}
                        Criteria for separating files in export in separate
  -r, --recursive       Property that determines if the search for pdf files
                        in the delivered source is recursive or is only for
                        the root of the indicated directory,
  --no-suffix           Determines whether exported files have a random text
                        string appended to the end.
  --no-summary          Determines whether to generate a summary file of the
                        export and the extracted data.
  --silent              Does not print application progress on screen.
  --no-colors           Does not colorize screen prints.

Made with ♥ by @chivke.

Programmatic usage

You can use the serveliza components by importing from their sub-packages as serveliza.roll, serveliza.utils or serveliza.mixins.

For example, you can import the main class that works with electoral rolls.

from serveliza.roll import ElectoralRoll

It can also be imported in abbreviated form defined in the file.

from serveliza.roll import ER

Inside serveliza, the module of the same name defines functions as shortcuts for specific actions, instantiating the classes in a transparent way. The command line interface is powered by these functions.

For example, you can get a pandas dataframe object through a function:

from serveliza import serveliza
data = serveliza.roll_from_pdf_to_dataframe('.')

That otherwise it would be like this:

from serveliza.roll import ElectoralRoll
roll = ElectoralRoll('.')
data = roll.roll_from_pdf_to_dataframe('.')